Guest Blog Guidelines
Why guest blogging?
No, it is not for link building. It is for authority building, your authority as a respected expert in your chosen field, your personal brand. Guest blogging is a means to that end, not an end in and of itself.
As a guest blogger you can
Build credibility
Access new audiences
Build author portfolio
Build community
Take a look at this video. It explains it better than we possibly could.
Take a look at this video. It explains it better than we possibly could.
Become a Guest Blogger
If you are interested in writing a guest post on this blog, please use the contact form in the side panel to let us know. Please be sure to include the intended subject of your post and some examples of writing you have already posted. If we think your subject, style and expertise fits in with our own, we will contact you to discuss the details. In the meantime, please take a look at these guidelines.
Guest Blog Guidelines
Your post must be 100% yours. It cannot be copied from somewhere else or posted anywhere else. We do allow, even encourage, that you write a brief summary and post it on your own site or blog with a link to the whole article.
Once your post has been accepted, it will become our property. Of course, we will always acknowledge where we got it, but we do reserve the right to edit and modify it for our purposes. Acceptance does not obligate us to use it. You can revoke your permission to use it at any time.
We do not believe in word counts. Your subject should be fully addressed, but do keep in mind that online readers are very different from print readers. We recommend Nicely Said: Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose (Voices That Matter) by Nicole Fenton and Kate Kiefer Lee. Their advice, should you need it, is invaluable.
Sell without selling. Readers tend to be turned off by posts that try to sell them something. All they want is answers to their questions. Give them that and they will know you can solve their problems.
Provide a few lines explaining why you are an expert in your field and a link back to your own website or blog.
Social Media
Do share your post on all your social networks.
Do answer any comments your post may get.
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